Lawncare Trends in Decatur, AL for 2019

Every vocation has certain trends and fads that come and go. This is because if a person or a group of people can find something to make their jobs easier or their customers happier, then they will do it. Nobody likes to work too hard if they can avoid it. After all, productivity is a combination of quality and quantity. So, there is little doubt that the lawn care industry is also seeing changes in trends through equipment improvement, demands from a newer generation, and the introduction of new business tactics. So, let’s look at what is trending for lawncare in Decatur, Alabama, as well as, the rest of the United States as of 2019. 

Technology Emerging in Lawncare

It may not look it, but the technology boom of the last few decades is catching up to modern day lawn care practices. People have more control over lawn maintenance than ever before. Especially with the help of robotics, sensors, and controllers. Do you want your sprinkler system to detect if there is too much water saturation in the soil? Do you want to use an app to determine watering times? Companies like Raicho are already on it. All you need is their smart watering system and their app for the same amount that you would spend on a push mower and you have more control over watering than you ever did with your old system alone.

Are you interested in built-in irrigation sensors that can detect rain, wind, and freezing temperatures? That dream is a reality thanks to the ET Weather Control System. The company who makes the products, Hunter, has all the pieces that a person would need to piece together their own irrigation system that works for their plot of land.  It is a far cry from the guesswork of determining weather patterns.  

Is there a reason that you are not physically capable of mowing your lawn? Do you have the money for new lawncare but not the time? Do you want to have your own robot slave before our eventual robot overlords can take over humanity?  Well, you can live out your own sci-fi fantasy by having your own robot that can mow your lawn automatically. Companies like Robomow has created a sophisticated piece of technology designed to mow a lawn itself.  Just like the floor cleaning Roomba, these machines have built-in sensors that can recognize obstacles. These mowers also have a child lock system, and automatic stop features to prevent any accidents. 

A Demand for Greener Practices with Lawncare in Decatur, Al

Environmental impact has been a hot topic issue in government politics. However, in the private sector, a lot of businesses are embracing the green movement in urban areas. The public demand for green lawn care practices has gotten bigger over the last decade. So much so, that there is a push to meet those demands in every avenue. 

On the equipment side of it all, battery-powered outdoor equipment is in higher demand. They produce fewer emissions in comparison to their gas-powered counterparts, and they produce less noise. Those factors combined with the fact that battery power has seen a boost in longevity has made battery-powered lawncare equipment that much easier to handle and maintain. 

Organic gardening practices are another thing that is in high demand in the lawncare industry. Out of concern for the environment, small children, and pets, people are shifting from synthetic fertilizers to organic ones to prevent chemical damage. However, there is a price to pay with organic lawncare. The strong suit of most synthetic fertilizers is instantaneous results in comparison to their organic counterparts. However, people are becoming more willing to pay the cost and do the work. The attitude towards synthetic fertilizers is summed up best by a Yale University researcher, Bormann ”I recognize the use of fertilizers, pesticides and genetic engineering as being important components of how our society works. But it’s just the notion that there’s no limit to it — and if we get in trouble we’ll fix it — that concerns me.”

Lower Maintenance Gardening and Landscaping

It is no secret that older generations and newer ones alike are downsizing. It is a reaction to the economic recession from 2008 that has lasted over the last two decades. However, that does not quash the desire to garden. They are just working with smaller spaces. Community gardens, herb gardens, and hanging gardens are becoming a substitute for larger lawns in urban areas. This small space management combined with the medical complications of older generations has made a demand for personal landscaping and gardening tools to be lightweight and easier to handle. Gardening and lawncare maintenance has almost certainly increased thanks to hobbyists, outdoor enthusiasts, and environmentalist movements. 

If you want to learn more about lawncare in general or want to hire a lawncare expert in Decatur, AL check us out!

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